Overview of the Student Sustainability Fund (SSF)

Founded in 2016, the Louisiana State University (LSU) Student Body voted to create a Student Sustainability Fund (SSF). This fund supports sustainability-related projects proposed by students, faculty, and staff.

Oversight Committee

The SSF Oversight Committee is named after Robert “Ross” Ziegelasch, who played a key role in developing the Student Sustainability Fee. This fee funds specific projects that aim to enhance environmental sustainability, biodiversity, and eco-friendly technologies on campus.

Use of the Student Sustainability Fee

The funds generated by the Student Sustainability Fee supplement existing resources allocated for sustainable infrastructure, technology, and initiatives. Importantly, this fee enhances—rather than replaces—current funding.

Approval and Regulation of the Fee

The Student Sustainability Fee was approved by a campus-wide student referendum in Spring 2016. According to the Student Government Constitution, any changes to this fee must be approved by a majority vote of the Student Body during a Fall or Spring Primary Election. Proposals for changes must comply with LSU System Permanent Memorandum Twenty-Nine (PM-29). Amendments may be initiated through either

  • A two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Student Senate, or
  • A petition signed by 10% of the Student Body.