Multi Purpose & Nested
[Fierce] Background Color
Allows the user to add a colored, single column grid to a page. Other snippets can be added to this container to create custom layouts.
Select list with multiple background options. User must remember to adhere to background color/text color contrast ratios.
This snippet contains the following customizations:
- background color
- customized text
Background Color
[Fierce] Button - with image (Nested)
[Fierce] Footer Social List
Used in the footer (_props.pcf).
To edit the footer;
- After inserting, the unused social media icons may be removed by deleting the unneeded row.
- To change the URL for any social media channel, place your cursor in the text link or highlight the text and use the "Insert/Edit Link" tool from the editing toolbar to change the URL.
[Fierce] Intro Stats - Item (Nested)
Used in the Intro Stats - Container snippet.
This snippet contains the following customizations:
- stat number
- stat summary
Intro Stats - Container
This is a Intro Stats - Item (Nested) snippet.
1 in 5
This is a Intro Stats - Item (Nested) snippet.
[Fierce] Large Stats Section Item (Nested)
Used in the Large Stats Section - Container snippet.
This snippet contains the following customizations:
- stat number
- stat summary
- stat source
Large Stats Section - Container
This is a Large Stats Section Item (Nested) snippet.
- Source
This is a Large Stats Section Item (Nested) snippet.
- Source
[Fierce] Photo Sidebar Section - Carousel Item (Nested)
[Fierce] Purple Overlay (Nested)
Used in the Photo Grid and Two Column Photo Feature snippets.
This snippet contains the following customizations:
- disclosure icon
can be positioned:
- customized text
- ability to link to a page
Photo Grid
Sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit

Two Column Photo Feature

[Fierce] Small Text Carousel - Item (Nested)
Used in the Small Text Carousel - Container snippet.
Small Text Carousel - Container
This snippet contains the following customizations:
- date
- customized text
- ability to link to a page
Dates & Deadlines
[Fierce] Watch Video (Nested)
Used in the Photo Sidebar Section - Container and Two Column Photo Feature snippets.
This snippet contains the following customizations:
- ability to link to a video
Photo Sidebar Section - Container