Multi Purpose & Nested

[Fierce] Background Color

Allows the user to add a colored, single column grid to a page. Other snippets can be added to this container to create custom layouts.

Select list with multiple background options. User must remember to adhere to background color/text color contrast ratios.

This snippet contains the following customizations:

  • background color 
  • customized text 

Background Color

Add a Heading

Add some text.

Add a button.

[Fierce] Button - with image (Nested)


[Fierce] Footer Social List

Used in the footer (_props.pcf).

To edit the footer;

  1. After inserting, the unused social media icons may be removed by deleting the unneeded row.
  2. To change the URL for any social media channel, place your cursor in the text link or highlight the text and use the "Insert/Edit Link" tool from the editing toolbar to change the URL.

[Fierce] Intro Stats - Item (Nested)

Used in the Intro Stats - Container snippet.

This snippet contains the following customizations:

  • stat number
  • stat summary

Intro Stats - Container


This is a Intro Stats - Item (Nested) snippet.

1 in 5

This is a Intro Stats - Item (Nested) snippet.

[Fierce] Large Stats Section Item (Nested)

Used in the Large Stats Section - Container snippet.

This snippet contains the following customizations:

  • stat number
  • stat summary
  • stat source

Large Stats Section - Container


This is a Large Stats Section Item (Nested) snippet.

- Source


This is a Large Stats Section Item (Nested) snippet.

- Source

[Fierce] Photo Sidebar Section - Carousel Item (Nested)


[Fierce] Purple Overlay (Nested)

Used in the Photo Grid and Two Column Photo Feature snippets.

This snippet contains the following customizations:

  • disclosure icon
    • can be positioned: 

      • top-right

      • bottom-right

  • customized text
  • ability to link to a page

Photo Grid

Sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit

Alt text

This is a Purple Overlay (Nested) snippet.

non nisi
alt text description

This is a Purple Overlay (Nested) snippet.

ut consequat

 alt text description

This is a Purple Overlay (Nested) snippet.

vitae tortor

alt text description

This is a Purple Overlay (Nested) snippet.

morbi tristique senectus
alt text

This is a Purple Overlay (Nested) snippet.

eget nunc lobortis


Two Column Photo Feature


This is a Purple Overlay (Nested) snippet.

Tellus Pellentesque

This is a Purple Overlay (Nested) snippet.

Eu Feugiat

[Fierce] Small Text Carousel - Item (Nested)

Used in the Small Text Carousel - Container snippet.

Small Text Carousel - Container

This snippet contains the following customizations:

  • date
  • customized text
  • ability to link to a page

[Fierce] Watch Video (Nested)

Used in the Photo Sidebar Section - Container and Two Column Photo Feature snippets.

This snippet contains the following customizations:

  • ability to link to a video

Photo Sidebar Section - Container