Off Site Researcher Policy
Cartographic Information Center
Louisiana State Aerial Photograph Collection
Off Site Researcher Service Charges
Effective August 2, 2004
To provide remote service to researchers who are unable to visit the Cartographic Information Center (CIC).
These charges apply to all researchers requesting CIC staff service in lieu of visiting the Cartographic Information Center. The CIC staff will not copy, scan, or image any copyrighted material. The CIC staff will not certify copies.
Location | Fee |
Locating and scanning maps or aerial photographs without name or frame number | $20 each |
Scanning identified maps or aerial photographs by name or frame number | $10 each |
Description of Services
Locating and scanning maps or aerial photographs involves staff research time to locate the appropriate materials when the researcher does not know the specific map name or aerial photograph identifier. The maximum size for scanning is 24"x36". Scans will be made at 1:1 ratio. Please see the Request Procedure below for further information.
Scanning identified maps or aerial photographs. This service provides black & white scans of aerial photographs and color scans of maps if the researcher provides the aerial photograph identifier or map title.
Request Procedure
Contact to request research service. Please provide the appropriate information for your request as follows:
Aerial photographs and USGS topographic maps for site assessments. Please provide the street address, legal description, UTM coordinates, or latitude
and longitude of your site of interest and state if you require images of aerial photographs
or maps or both. Large areas should be described by providing the bounding UTM coordinates
or latitudes and longitudes. A list of the available dates of maps and aerial photographs
will be sent in reply. Researchers may select which dates and sources to be imaged.
Aerial photographs and maps will be scanned at 600dpi resolution in tiff format unless
otherwise specified. Aerial photographs will be scanned in gray scale while maps will
be scanned in color. Images can be delivered on CD-ROM or by confidential posting
to the CIC web site.
Historic maps. For USGS topographic maps please provide the quadrangle name, scale, and edition.
If the quadrangle name is not known, please provide the name of the nearest town.
For nautical charts, hydrographic surveys, and topographic surveys please provide the chart or survey number and year.
For all other historic maps please provide the Entry Number from the book Historical Maps of Louisiana or the map title, cartographer, and date. Most of the historic maps other than USGS maps housed in the CIC collection are black & white duplicates.
Aerial Photographs. Please provide the parish, year, and photograph identifier in the upper right corner. Include all letters and numbers.
Payment can be made by credit card (American Express, VISA or Master Card) or check made payable to the LSU Department of Geography & Anthropology. Checks must clear before images will be posted or shipped.
Checks returned for Non-Sufficient Funds will be submitted as evidence to the LSU Police Department.